We want online shopping to be as easy as possible for you, so we present our new customer account system! With the new function, you can access your account faster and more conveniently, so that you can access all your orders and data in one place. Let's see what advantages this innovation offers and how you can use it!

How does logging in work?

In our new account system, you no longer have to worry about passwords. When logging in, you only have to enter your e-mail address, and the system will send a one-time, 6-digit code to your e-mail account. Enter this code to access your account immediately.

And the best news? If you have already purchased from us before, your profile was created automatically, so you only need your e-mail address to log in. If you haven't bought from us yet, the system will automatically create a new account for you when you log in.

What can you use your account for?

Your new account allows you to:
- Track your orders - You can easily check your previous purchases and their status.
- Update your data - If your data has changed, for example your shipping address, you can change it with a few clicks.
- Make shopping more convenient - The information stored in your account helps speed up the ordering process.

How can you update your data?

Updating data is easy:
1. Enter our site using the "Login" button.
2. Enter your e-mail address and enter the access code you received.
3. After logging in, click on your initials in the upper right corner of your account page, then select "Account information".
4. Here you can change your name or delivery address by clicking on the pencil icon.

Why should you use the new accounts?

Our new system not only makes entry easier, but also more convenient and faster. There is no longer any need to remember passwords, and purchases and data changes can be made in a few moments.

Try the new account system today and experience how easy online shopping can become!

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