Important note: There is much more to nail care than the daily use of nail care oil. Our nails are exposed to various harmful effects every single day. Hand washing, cleaning products, hand sanitizer - just a few examples!

It's important to understand how to layer your nail treatments to properly protect against damage and repair any damage. Now we break down how you can build a nail care routine that can independently restore nail keratin or repair and strengthen your nails.

OPI Repair mode

For nail repair, layer the products as follows:

Step 1: OPI Repair Mode™ Start your nail care routine by applying one layer to clean, bare nails. This revolutionary formula features Patented Ulti-Plex Technology™, which penetrates the surface of the nail and builds new bonds from within.

Step 2: OPI ProSpa Nail & Cuticle Oil Refines and nourishes, apply a drop to the area of ​​your nails and nail bed, then massage in. This is the key to healthy skin and nail beds. Repeat both steps twice a day on bare nails for 6 days for maximum effectiveness.

OPI Nail Envy

For nail repair and strengthening, layer the products as follows:

Step 1: OPI Repair Mode™ Apply one coat to clean, bare nails.

Step 2: OPI Nail Envy® Apply 2 coats of Nail Envy® with Tri-Flex Technology™, a liquid shield that strengthens the nail with layering power, plus biotin, calcium, and vitamins A, C, E contain.

Step 3: OPI ProSpa Nail & Cuticle Oil When your nails are dry, apply a drop to the nail bed area and massage in.

OPI nail care products

Source: OPI

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