You can already find a lot of light gels on the market, but what is the difference between them? Why are there so many types, when should you use them? Let's take a look at the main aspects to consider when choosing!


The flexibility of the light gel shows what material it can be used on: inflexible or slightly flexible light gels (e.g. Top Gel, No Cleanse Top Shield) can only be used on solid, inflexible artificial nail materials, such as porcelain, gel or polygel nails, because they light gels cannot follow the movement of elastic material at all.

Flexible gloss gels (e.g. Extreme Gloss, Cool Shine Ever) are perfect for any surface, be it artificial nails, reinforced gel polish or traditional gel polish, they can follow the movement and bending of the flexible surface without cracking.


Certain light gels contain a color-enhancing additive that prevents colors from turning yellow in the event of extremely strong UV light (in summer or in a solarium), so it is strongly recommended to use these light gels (e.g. Cool Shine Ever Top Coat Gel Light Gel - 15ml ) in summer. This additive gives the nail a slightly purple-blue shade, which accentuates the cold shade of the colors even more on cold colors (e.g. blues, purples, pinks) and on white, even French nails.

At the same time, this bluish-purple shade does not necessarily look good on warm colors (e.g. red, brown, orange) and the guests usually don't like it on black either, so for these colors, choose a top gloss that does not contain any color enhancer (e.g. Extreme Gloss) .


The texture of light gels also varies, there are thicker and thinner materials, this is important when the temperature of the air is significantly different from normal, and this changes the original texture of the light gel. In summer, in a warm room, the gels become more liquid, in which case it is worth choosing an originally thicker material, which becomes a little thinner due to the heat (e.g. Extreme Gloss, LaQ X Glossy), so it becomes ideal: it does not flow, it is easy to handle. In winter, the process is just the opposite, in cold weather the consistency of gels becomes thicker, so materials with a slightly thinner consistency (e.g. Cool Shine Ever, Speed ​​& Shine) stay in place better and flow less.

When choosing the consistency, we must also take into account the function of the light gel: if we only want to apply a thin layer, the consistency can be even thinner, it will not cause a problem, however, if we want to level the surface or create a C-curve, it must be the consistency should be a little thicker and keep the formed curve, in this case the very thin cover lights flow into the ramparts in seconds.


Light gels with different effects are excellent for creating small and large glitters (e.g. LaQ X Effect Top Pixie, Prisma, Silver flakes, Golden flakes), white and black dots, spots (White flakes, Square flakes, Hexa flakes, Granite effect) apply it to the nail, creating a unique, decorated effect in seconds.

Therefore, it is not possible to say that a single light gel is the best, but we can select the few best ones, from which we can use them most appropriately in the given situation and for the given task.


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Piece Year

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