The period of discounts is here! Now we offer you a special opportunity to make online shopping even more enjoyable and cost-effective. If you've already looked at what you want to buy, now between November 10 and 20 is especially worth placing your order! During this period, for orders over HUF 10,000, we deliver to your home in Hungary for only HUF 890. This is a great opportunity to do your holiday shopping from the comfort of your home or simply stock up on your necessary supplies.

Why buy now?
Discounted delivery saves not only money, but also time, since you don't have to go to the shops. And online shopping is especially practical if you are looking for a simpler solution to get the products you need quickly on busy weekdays.

How can you use it?
Simply put the desired products in your basket, and if your order exceeds HUF 10,000, the home delivery fee will only be HUF 890! In addition, if you would rather choose a package point, the delivery fee is only HUF 895, even without a value limit.

Don't miss this unique opportunity, as such a discount is rarely available. Make your list, look around the online store and get your favorites with discounted shipping!

👉 Buy now and enjoy the savings!

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