The most beautiful time of the year is almost upon us, and with it the latest Christmas collection from Crystal Nails has arrived to bring a world of sparkle and festive shine to your nails! 🎄 If you also love special shades and magical effects, you can't miss these novelties.

**Shining and sparkling 3 STEP CrystaLac shades 💅**

3 STEP CrystaLac gel polishes now come in even brighter shades to give every set the Christmas sparkle. These gel polishes are durable and have an intense shine, so they are perfect for the holiday season, whether you use them in salons or at home. Among the new shades, you are sure to find the colors that suit you best, whether it is a classic festive red, shimmering gold or frosty silver.

**Tiger Eye Intense CrystaLac magnetizable gel polishes - Perfect choice for an extravagant look 😍**

One of the most exciting innovations for the holiday look is Tiger Eye Intense CrystaLac, a magnetizable gel polish. With this technology, you can create a special, depth-giving effect on your nails, as if a real tiger eye were shining on them. With a little creativity, you can easily highlight your individuality and achieve magical effects, which are guaranteed to impress your guests or loved ones!

**Brand new magnetizable cover light 💥💅🏻**

If you are looking for something really special, then try the brand new magnetizable cover light, which has also just been added to the range. This top gloss perfectly complements the Tiger Eye Intense CrystaLac gel polishes, and you can achieve intense effects with it that will make everyone turn their heads!

**Creative nail art products for the holiday season 🎨**

The holidays are the perfect opportunity to unleash your creativity and create truly unique nails with the help of nail art products. Crystal Nails offers a wide selection of tools and accessories to create magical holiday decorations. Whether it's small sparkles, stones or even paint gels, you'll definitely find the accessories you need.

**Make the holiday season special!**

These novelties perfectly complement holiday sets and are guaranteed to brighten up salon life. Visit our store or check out our online store and choose your favorites for this Christmas season! 🎁✨ Shine on the holidays and let your nails reflect the festive mood!


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