
Töredező, lemezes körmök? Így erősítsd meg egy életre!

Brittle, flaky nails? This is how you strengthen it for life!

We know many types of powder during our work, but Hardener powder is a multifunctional additional material that everyone can use perfectly in their work. What will it help you with?

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A tejfehér anyagok rendkívül népszerűek az utóbbi időszakban, de mi a különbség köztük, mi mindenre is lehet ezeket az anyagokat használni, és melyik anyagot válasszuk az adott technikához?

In the first place among the Russians!

Milk-white materials have been extremely popular lately, but what is the difference between them, what can these materials be used for, and which material should we choose for the given technique?

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A "Nature Strong Botanical Base Coat" természetes alapozó formula, amely 2 az 1-ben funkcióval rendelkezik.

"Nature Strong Botanical Base Coat" is a natural base coat with a 2-in-1 function.

The innovative "Nature Strong Botanical Base Coat" is a dual-function base formula with natural ingredients that is also perfectly compatible with vegan nail polishes.

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Bestseller nude színeink párban járnak!

Our bestseller nude colors go together!

If your guest wants understated elegance, you can't go wrong with our Natural Colors Gel Lacquer Set Selection ! Have you ever heard of lagom, which means: 'not too little, not too much, just right'?

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Lépj be a színuniverzumba: #MeMyselfandOPI Kollekció.

Enter the color universe: #MeMyselfandOPI Collection.

Gain confidence and show who you really are with the latest OPI nail polish collection!

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A legegyszerűbben úgy tudnánk elmagyarázni, hogy ez egy olyan műköröm építő alapzselé, ami – nevéből adódóan – nem csak E - B5 vitaminnal táplálja a természetes körmöket, de üvegszállal erősíti is azokat.

Skip the Gel Polish Phase!

The simplest way to explain it is that it is an artificial nail-building base gel that, as its name suggests, not only nourishes natural nails with vitamins E - B5, but also strengthens them with glass fibers.

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Az OPI gél körömlakkját hivatalosan „GelColor Soak-off Gel Lacquer”-nek hívják, és röviden, a gél lakk manikűr egy színes gél réteg, amely megtévesztően hasonlít a körömlakkhoz.

OPI gel polish?

OPI's gel nail polish is officially called "GelColor Soak-off Gel Lacquer" and in short, a gel polish manicure is a layer of colored gel that looks deceptively similar to nail polish.

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OPI 2022 Jewel Be Bold ünnepi kollekció

New Year's nails: shades worthy of a party

The final event of the year and the holiday season is upon us, and we want to make sure your manicure shines brighter than the disco ball you're sipping champagne under!

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Piros lakk hétköznapra, ünnepi alkalomra

Red varnish for weekdays and festive occasions

If you had any doubt that red is the color of the month, just take a look around you, and you will immediately be sure that when December arrives, everything (or at least almost everything) is red.

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