
Nyári Forróságban Is Ragyogó Köröm - Tippek a Körömápoláshoz

Shiny Nails Even in Summer Heat - Tips for Nail Care

In the warm season, nails also need special attention and care to stay healthy and beautiful while you enjoy the sunshine and freedom. So, let's see how you can keep your nails in shape in the summer heat!

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Hogyan találd meg a tökéletes köröm formát a kezedhez!

How to find the perfect nail shape for your hands!

Want to make a little makeover? Instead of reaching for scissors and trying to cut hair, why not reach for a nail file instead? We have selected the best nail shapes and give you some tips to help you choose.

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Mi megléptük! Levittük Nektek az árakat!

We stepped on it! We lowered the prices for you!

The current economic situation can make your everyday life difficult, so at Perfect Nails I want to make your life easier. Choose from an even more attractive price than usual gel polish , from their gel polish sets!

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Hogyan erősítsd meg a körmödet?

How to strengthen your nails?

Everyone knows that the personification of the goal state is long, strong nails. However, getting to the desired point before the nails break unevenly is a much harder task than they say.

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Tudtad? Hogyan nevezzem? Elastic Hard, avagy Rubber Base Gel?

Did you know? What should I call it? Elastic Hard or Rubber Base Gel?

The market-conquering rubber base gel, or flexible, elastic brush base gel, has been present in the Perfect Nails portfolio for almost 7 years, and today we can even boast that its clear version, the ELASTIC HARD has become our trademarked product.

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Milyen körmöt készíts, ha vendéged elkésett?

What kind of nail should you make if your guest is late?

One of the most unpleasant cases for the professional, which unfortunately happens quite often, is when the guest arrives late for the appointment.

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Hogyan lehet gyorsabban megszárítani a körömlakkot?

How to dry nail polish faster?

You managed to apply two coats of polish on your nails and there is no smudging in the polish. Now all you have to do is sit still and wait for the nail polish to dry. :D But when you have to write emails, pick up your kids, and run around, you can't afford to have your hands free for long. . That's why we gathered our experts to share with us how to dry your nails faster without chipping.

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Így válassz fényzselét, és tökéletes lesz a végeredmény!

This is how you choose light gel, and the end result will be perfect!

You can already find a lot of light gels on the market, but what is the difference between them? Why are there so many types, when should you use them? Let's take a look at the main aspects to consider when choosing!

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Galaxy Csiszolófej Készlet

Galaxy Sanding Head Set

Do you also tend to get lost in the abundance of sanding heads?

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