Miért nem tapad a polygél? Hogyan oldhatod meg a problémát?
A polygél az egyik legnépszerűbb és legpraktikusabb anyag a műkörömkészítéshez, de előfordulhat, hogy problémák merülnek fel a tapadással. Ha nem tapad megfelelően a polygél a körmödre, az megnehezítheti a munkát és ronthatja az eredményt. Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk, miért történhet ez, és hogyan oldhatod meg a problémát.
Discover the new arrivals from Crystal Nails for spring/summer 2025
For the spring and summer 2025 season, Crystal Nails will once again bring you the latest innovations and trends so that you can work with the highest quality ingredients and tools! Let's see what exciting products have arrived this year!
Frequently Asked Questions About the New OPI Repair Mode™ Bond-Building Nail Serum
Discover OPI's latest innovation: Repair Mode™ , the first bond-building nail serum that uses patented Ulti-Plex Technology™ to penetrate deep into the nail plate and rebuild damaged bonds from within.
The latest products from Perfect Nails have arrived!
If you love nail trends and are always looking for innovative solutions, we have good news for you! The latest products from Perfect Nails are now available in our webshop and are guaranteed to enchant you!
Valentine's Day Nails - Celebrate love in style!
As Valentine's Day approaches, more and more people are choosing nails that reflect the romantic spirit of the holiday. Choose from the following trendy styles and you can be sure that your nails will turn heads!
Tips for winter nail care - How to protect your nails in cold weather!
The cold winter months are not only a challenge for your skin, but also for your nails. Dry air, harsh weather, and sudden temperature changes can all contribute to brittle and weak nails.
Perfectly attaching rhinestones – durable and shiny nail decoration step by step
Perfect manicure now with a discount! 💅
Cozy Massage Therapist for Christmas – Calming, Holiday Decor Tips for Masseurs
As the holidays approach, many people want to relax from the stress of everyday life and the tension of Christmas preparations with a pleasant massage. For a masseuse, it is a great opportunity to create a Christmas atmosphere in their treatment room, while making sure that the decoration is not distracting. In this article, we have collected some ideas that will help you create the perfect festive atmosphere without disturbing the peace of your guests.